Frequently Asked Questions

Find what you need in our searchable FAQ.

I have a citation for a journal article. How do I get the full article?

A good strategy for finding additional research on a topic is to start with an existing article and track down additional resources from the Works Cited / References list. Here's how:

If you have a complete or partial citation for a journal article, you can find out whether the Libraries have the full text of the article by searching for the journal title in the Journals Finder. If we have an online subscription to the journal, the results will take you to the site where you can navigate to the item. You will need to know the article's publication date and page numbers.

If we do not have an online subscription, search the NEIU Library Catalog for the journal title to see if we have a print subscription to the journal. Print journals are located on the 2nd floor of the Ronald Williams Library and are shelved alphabetically by journal title. You will need to make a photocopy of the article using a copy machine, also on the 2nd floor.

If the NEIU Libraries do not have a subscription to the journal, you can request the article using WorldShare interlibrary loan. The turnaround time on these requests is usually around 3 business days. If you are searching one of our many databases and want to find the full text of an article, use the blue Find It @ NEIU button.

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Where can I find new library materials?

In the Bryn Mawr Campus Library, new books are on the first floor on the shelves across from the Reference Desk. Other new materials can be found throughout the Library.

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How do I request NEIU Library items be held for me?

Current NEIU students, faculty, and staff can request NEIU Library items be held at the Circulation Desk. Hold requests need to be made in the NEIU Libraries catalog by the person making the request and cannot be made by phone. This service includes delivery among the CCICS Library, the Library Resource Center at El Centro, UCLC, and the Main Library

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Is the NEIU Library open to the public?

Yes, the NEIU Libraries are open to the public as well as NEIU students, faculty, and staff. The general public cannot check out books or other materials from the Libraries; however, anyone is welcome to make photocopies or scans of our materials using our equipment. 

See also:

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Where can I park when visiting the library?

Visitors to the Main Campus can sometimes find free parking on Bryn Mawr (north of campus) and on Foster (south of campus). Parking on either of those streets will require a 5-10 minute walk. Closer parking is available for $5 per day. Ticket machines are located in the outdoor lot just south of the Ronald Williams Library and in the Parking Facility to the west of the Library.

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When is my library class?

Find the time and location of your library instruction class in the events calendar on the NEIU Libraries home page.

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How do I contact the library?

You can contact the Libraries by phone or email, through chat and, of course, in person.

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Where is the Curriculum Material Collection (CMC)?

The Curriculum Materials Collection can be found on the 3rd floor of the Main Library. It will be to your left as you exit the elevators.

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How long will it take to receive materials from other I-Share Libraries?

The amount of time it will take for you to receive materials from other libraries may vary, though typically I-Share materials are delivered within two business days.

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How do I use the wireless printing system in the library and on the rest of campus?

Printing and photocopying equipment in the Libraries is managed by University Technology Services (UTS). Please visit their Printing page for questions regarding printing and photocopying in the Libraries (and campuswide).

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Where can I print in the library?

Black and white printers are located on the 1st and 2nd floors of the Ronald Williams Library. One color printer is located on the 1st floor of the Library. Send jobs to either type of printer from any of the Library's public computers, any of the public computer lab computers on campus, or even your own personal computer.

See also:

Printing at NEIU

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How much does it cost to make copies at the library?

Printing and photocopying equipment in the Library is managed by University Technology Services (UTS). Please visit their Printing page for questions regarding printing and photocopying in the Library (and campuswide).

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How are the books arranged in the library?

The NEIU Libraries use the Library of Congress classification system. This means all of our call numbers start with a letter, and that the books are arranged alphabetically by call number. Generally, you will locate books in the library based on this call number. So...

Call numbers starting with... Can be found on...
A-E Lower Level
F-G 1st Floor
H-M 3rd Floor
N-Z 4th Floor

However, some books are part of collections that have call numbers starting with unique letters designating those collections. Locate these materials using the chart below:

Call numbers starting with... Can be found on...
CMC 3rd Floor
CTR 3rd Floor
DOC 2nd Floor
REF 1st Floor
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Are NEIU alumni able to use the library?

Alumni of NEIU may check out NEIU Libraries materials, including books and DVDs, if they are NEIU Alumni Association members at the Blue & Gold level or higher. Please present a valid alumni ID card at the Circulation Desk on the 1st Floor of the Ronald Williams Library. We regret that we cannot process alumni requests for materials from other libraries.

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How will I know when my requested items are available?

When your item arrives, the Library will send a message to your NEIU e-mail account. You may also log in to Your Library Account to view the status of your book requests from I-Share libraries or log in to WorldShare to view the status of your book requests from non-I-Share libraries and your article requests from any other library.

WorldShare can notify you by text or alternate email when your non-I-Share materials are available. To set this up:

  1. Log in to WorldShare using your NEIU NetID and password.
  2. Click on Communication Preferences.
  3. Enter a non-NEIU email address, a cell phone number, or both
  4. Under the Select Preferences area, choose the Send library account updates to me button along with the appropriate check boxes.
  5. Click the Save Changes button.
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How many items can I check out at once? How long can I keep checked out items?

There is no limit to the number of items you may check out from NEIU's general collection or the new book area. Other items may have special limits or may only be used in the library (such as reference books, tests, and reserve items). For specific details visit the Borrow, Request, & Renew page.

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Where can I pick up my requested items?

To pick up an item, bring your NEIU ID to the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor of the Ronald Williams Library. When you request an item, you may also choose to have it delivered to the main desk at the El Centro Library and Learning Resource Center, or the CCICS Library.

Articles will be delivered as PDF files. The Library will e-mail your NEIU account with full instructions.

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Does the library have a scanner?

The multi-function photocopiers around campus are also scanners. Scanners are also available on the 1st floor of the Ronald Williams Library in the Research and Publishing Lab.

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Does the library have any special services or equipment for people with disabilities?

The NEIU Libraries are committed to making its resources available to all members of the NEIU community with equipment and services for people with disabilities. For current services, please visit the Special Services for People with Disabilities.

See also

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